Kristy Baird Clinical Herbalist Erie PA in office

Kristy Baird

Clinical Herbalist

I'm a clinical herbalist based in Erie, PA. I've been passionate about plants my whole life, and my work is all about helping people connect to the healing power of nature.

I grew up close to the water and in the diverse forests around Erie, and I've been growing medicinal plants for over a decade. I'm a graduate of the Sovereignty Herbs clinical mentorship program, and I'm currently an Associate Member of the American Herbalist's Guild. For more information about my educational background, click here for my CV. I also choose to support United Plant Savers, who work to protect native medicinal plants, and Herbalists Without Borders, whose mission is accessibility.

I believe that a human being is more than just their symptoms. My work with clients is to study the whole person—body, mind, and spirit—and find their clear vision for the future. I bring to the table a rooted perspective and a wealth of resources to connect you to your own path to wellness and to our Earth.

If you're interested in learning more about how I can help you, please contact me for a free consultation.

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