-I return phone calls and emails (including Healthie messages) Monday through Friday, from 9:00am EST and 5:00pm EST. Messages received after this time will be returned the following business day, or within 48 hours. I will respond to messages received over the weekend beginning Monday morning.
-If you have questions regarding your protocol after your initial consultation, I offer a 10-minute phone call (or 10-minute’s worth of Healthie message exchange) for clarification only. This is not a follow up appointment.
-Beyond the 10-minute clarification, if you have concerns you would like to discuss, I would encourage booking a 30-minute check-in appointment so we have time to address them. I may have to charge for time spent on the phone or answering messages or emails outside of this time.
-If you are having a medical emergency, please stop taking all herbs and supplements and head to your nearest Urgent Care facility.
-Initial consultations are 90 minutes in length. Once our appointment is scheduled, you will receive a link to fill out your forms. These must be completed and returned to me (via Healthie or email at at least three days prior to your appointment date.
-After the initial consultation, I will prepare your protocol and send it to you by the date discussed. We will set up a 10-minute phone call to discuss it and I will invoice you for any herbal supplements you have chosen to purchase. Otherwise, I will direct you to a quality source. Once payment is received, I will either ship your supplements to you or leave them at the front desk of Presque Isle Mind-Body Wellness Center (2500 Palermo Dr. Erie, PA) for you to pick up. I deliver client orders to the front desk on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am. I will message you on Healthie when your order is ready for pickup.
-At the conclusion of our initial consultation, we may schedule a follow-up appointment. These are typically made 2-4 weeks from the initial consultation. During this appointment, we'll discuss your protocol, assess your current situation, and make any changes needed.
-Payment is required in advance of services. I do not accept insurance. Sliding scale and payment plan options are available, at my discretion, for those who have need. I accept most payment methods. I do not accept personal checks.